Friday, March 18, 2011

so here I am

home sweet home :)
u can tell where I am right now aren't you? hehe. it's good to be home..the exhausted and fatigue has finally come to an end. but not for long.. because finals are just around the corner! hmmph, so i've been spending the whole week with assignment, written submissions, case review whatsoever..

I've been fighting with my own feelings when things suddenly being so much difficult for me..haih, despite the fact that I'm actually such a 'hardcore' person, sometimes I have to admit that I'm still a girl..sometimes I have this fragile kind of feeling.. I can't help myself but to feel hurt.. all this time I'm trying to pretend that I'm strong.. never take a damn how people treats me.. but sometimes I cant hardly hide anymore. I have to let it go. and when its time, all i do is crying over my pillow all night long until I fall asleep..pathetic right? I know. but I can't help.

I can call myself a loser for this know, Im super broke right now. I dont have much money right now..maybe its time for me to accept the fact that my last name isn't Trumph.. betul ke aku eja name die tu? biaq pi la. I just got 3 summon letters (rm150) while I only have RM10 in my pocket.. I was like T_T.. giler bawak berita buruk makcik fellow ni. bencinya.. and I also have to accept the fact that, less money, less frieds, more money more I can see some of my friends seems avoiding me maybe because Im such a loser with empty pocket :'(

afterall...I feel good again after i get home. no matter what happen, I still have my family with me. syukur alhamdulillah....

Monday, March 7, 2011

the time has come

maybe its time for me to accept the fact that i am a law student. which literally means, i have to stop playing around ignoring how difficult law is. as i said before, my cgpa is so depressing.. i really have to work harder. its been almost 3 years I'm reading law but I've never been in this situation. u know, the situation where i still couldn't get the best even after worked very hard for it. maybe by just work hard is not enough. i need to be more systematic and committed.
2nd test of law of torts will be held tomorrow night at 8.30pm. the topics covers are 5 altogether which consist a LOT of cases..but whats fear me the most is that the question will be in multiple choice question. sounds easy right. but i hope its not really tricky. :/
well, i just came back from my aunt's crib. even though I was there in a very short period of time, we managed to bake cupcakes, moist-chocolate cake and chicken pie. its so exciting. well, im so tired right now, dont know what else to say. byebye

Friday, March 4, 2011


it's hard to kick start a new post after you have not been blogging like months. i'm not telling my reason for deactivating my previous blog and created a new one. maybe it is more pleasant when you know there's no one following you :P . alrighto, it's really been, i just got through the pre-registration for next semester subjects.. it was suck like always but yeah, managed to add all subjects for long-sem & short sem :) I'll be taking Bahasa melayu Perundangan for short semester.

compulsory moots - to be determined
family law 1 - Prof Dr Roslina Che Soh
criminal law 1 - Dr Iqbal
constitutional law 1 - Prof Dr shamrahayu
islamic criminal law 1 - Datin Paizah
usul al fiqh 1 - Dr Deen Napiah
leadership & management
ungs 2040

so, next semester I will officially be a second year student of bachelor of law in IIUM. :)
this semester apparently abusing me mentally & physically, the core courses are tougher and the workloads are crazier. worrying about my weak pointer, I sacrifice a lot of my sleeping time (cewah). I hope I can increase my cgpa so I can stop the ptptn loan. heh heh ;)

about relationship, this year or to be more specific, this coming April will officially be our 2nd anniversary(huh?) not really anniversary. but thats how long we are in a relationship. I'm happy for having you in my life. over all these years, u helped me a lot. u cheered me a lot . a lot lot more. all I can say is thank you for staying by my side. I hope the future ahead will bring us together to face world until the end of time :)

thats all for tonight. goodnight FN.